New Gemini Server

Hi folks,
I got inspired by the idea and wrote a Gemini server in Go and a set
of libraries for writing applications based on the Go HTTP interface,
including a router and some middleware for requiring authentication.
It supports hosting multiple domains on a single IP address using
different certificates.
I've tried to make it easy to use - you can grab the release binary
from Github (Windows / Mac / Linux / ARM Linux (for the Raspberry Pi))
and run it yourself, and I've also pushed a Docker container if that's
your thing.
Check it out at
I'm planning to use the libraries to build a chat / forum app, and to
run a version of my blog. I think I've built everything I need now.
If anyone's interested in working on it / spots something wrong, let
me know. I'm planning to improve the logging a bit next. I want to
replace the unstructured log format I've used with structured logs to
make it easier to pull stats from the files.
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