[ANN] Flounder - a Gemini site builder/host

On Sat Aug 15, 2020 at 10:41 AM PDT,  wrote:
> Personally I'd suggest letting people use whatever they want, and
> translating on the fly if they're using the "wrong" protocol for the
> request.
> > a way to let people use simple tags like @alex and then translate that
> > into a gemini URL on gemini or an https url on https.
> This sounds pretty cool! I still the above is useful though.

I'll experiment with some things and get some feedback from users. I
like the @ idea because it's consistent with the twtxt interface I
wrote. I appreciate your feedback!

> gemlog.blue source code is here btw:
> https://git.rawtext.club/sloum/gemlog.blue




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