
Several of us had a fruitful discussion about gemini streaming over in the 
IRC channel tonight. For those of you who don't IRC, the full logs of the 
channel are available from my weechat logs, updated nightly at 0000UTC:


I strongly believe there's tangible value in having streaming support for 
the text/gemini mime-type. We have the lovely chatroom proof-of-concept 
out there already, and a few minutes of brainstorming came up with 
speech-to-text broadcast radio using Watson's speech-to-text engine. The 
cool ideas already floating around solderpunk's head in his gemlog about 
Gemini applications haven't been forgotten either. There's an untapped goldmine here.

That being said, the protocol has a very simple flow defined currently 
wherein a client makes a request, the server responds, ends the 
connection, then the client processes it. Changing that fundamental 
behavior to support streaming is not an insignificant thing to ask of 
client authors, and some will have no desire to do so at all.

We've talked in the past about possibly serving a different response code 
to signify to a client that this resource wants to stream, but that was 
countered with valid reasoning. Tonight I tried making the argument for a 
text/gemini+stream mime-type instead. Lukee challenged that, and 
ultimately I have to admit it leaves out one important aspect of serving 
streaming content: the user should be aware that the resource intends to stream.

Whether we serve a mime-type, response code, or somehow talk solderpunk 
into content-length information, none of these will be available as 
information to the user before they select a link. The only way to make it 
clear to a user that a stream is intended for a link, then, is a protocol indicator.


That's my recommendation for several reasons:

1. We're not changing much in the default gemini protocol. What we are 
indicating is that the client should not wait for a connection close to 
begin processing/displaying content. We are also signaling to the user 
that this resource intends to stream. Everything else about the connection 
remains otherwise default gemini behavior. Giving it a new protocol name 
would suggest there's more differences here and possibly open a doorway 
for other scope creep.

2. By keeping gemini in the protocol name still this tightly couples it 
with Gemini. This isn't something that is designed to go off and live on 
its own or be in any way confused as its own system. There was discussion 
about Titan when this idea came up. I personally still prefer 
gemini+write:// for that extension for the same reasons as above, but as 
Alex is doing literally all the work on it himself, I defer to him.

3. It's not gemini:// and therefore it is inherently not a part of the 
gemini core requirements for clients. I think streaming is fascinating, 
but I don't want to suggest that it be a requirement to support it like we 
have for the text/gemini mime-type. It represents a different way of 
consuming data and presenting it that would turn a weekend project into a 
two weekend project. Having a supplemental protocol fits better.

4. (sort of related to #3) Having "something" as a standard avoids the 
vagueness we have right now where people will try whatever makes sense to 
them in the moment. They'll get it working on their personal client and 
that's the extent of it. With something defined we all have a common target.

5. It doesn't inherently limit itself to the text/gemini mime-type since 
the streaming behavior is indicated by the protocol itself. It could also 
stream plain text, for instance, or even an mp3. The individual mime would 
have to make sense in a streaming context, but the door is technically open.

6. It is still a single client-initiated request happening in the 
foreground. We aren't creating background threads of who-know-what running 
services. We're getting an ongoing document in real-time, that's all.

I believe this answers all the concerns we've had voiced before about 
streaming. It allows for an optional extension of gemini that explicitly 
allows for a persistent streaming connection without breaking anything 
natural or inherent in the core protocol. But please chime in and correct 
me if I've missed something important.

This turned into quite the post! Yeesh


Next in thread (2 of 13): 🗣️ Luke Emmet (luke (a)

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