Getting slammed by a client

That's great - Thanks Alex. Will try this.

On 25/07/2020 14:32, Alex Schroeder wrote:
> (Resending because it seems that my mail disappeared somewhere.)
> 2200 hits in the last few days...
> I'm going to setup a fail2ban rule.  Adapt the datepattern to your
> logfiles. Basically any successful connection counts as "a failed login
> attempt". Of these, you may have 20 in a 40s time window, which is what
> I think is a reasonable upper limit for humans and bots. If you're
> crawling the site faster than that, you get banned for 10min by the
> firewall.
> /etc/fail2ban/jail.d/alex.conf:
> [alex-gemini]
> enabled = true
> port    = 1965
> logpath = /home/alex/farm/gemini-wiki.log
> findtime = 40
> maxretry = 20
> /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/alex-gemini.conf:
> [Init]
> # 2018/08/25-09:08:55 CONNECT TCP Peer: "[]:56281"
> Local: "[]:70"
> datepattern = ^%%Y/%%m/%%d-%%H:%%M:%%S
> [Definition]
> # ANY match in the logfile counts!
> failregex = CONNECT TCP Peer: "\[<HOST>\]:\d+"
> I also activated the recidive rule in fail2ban. This means that people
> who get banned by fail2ban repeatedly get banned for even longer times
> (hours instead of minutes). This is in the first file again:
> /etc/fail2ban/jail.d/alex.conf:
> [recidive]
> enabled = true
> I use this system for my websites, my gopher sites, and now for gemini,
> too.
> Cheers
> Alex


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