Repeating the Web's Mistakes (was gemini+submit:// (was Re: Uploading Gemini content))

On Sun, 14 Jun 2020 18:13:09 +0000
colecmac at wrote:

> If you haven't already, it's a MUST to setup an SSH key and turn off
> password login. This will basically remove all SSH based attacks.

Thanks for the advice. I've already disabled root logins in my
sshd_config, and I've set up public-key logins for my own accounts.
I've got to do a better job of educating's residents
before I can disable password logins via ssh entirely, though.

Matthew Graybosch		gemini://
#include <disclaimer.h>		gemini://	gemini://
"Out of order?! Even in the future nothing works."


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