approachabe & frugal & composable


Thanks for this enthusiastic summary of your very positive feelings
about Gemini!  I like the "approchable and frugal" characterisation.

I fully share your enthusiasm about Gemini as a protocol, i.e. the use
of nothing but URLs as requests as the the reduction of response headers
to explicit status information and a media type.  I really think that
good design decisions have been made in this part of the spec and I
don't think there's really anything there to change (note that the
intended addition of the `lang` parameter is *not* a change to this
level of the protocol, but rather an extension of the text/gemini media
type which is a separte thing).  On this front, I am content.

I can't quite get as enthusiastic as you are about the range of
possibilities for text/gemini.  I fully grant that everything you wrote
about is totally valid as text/gemini is currently specced.  I will not
even deny that many of your proposals seem genuinely super useful.  E.g.
I am by now a well-documented fan of Atom feeds, and the feed: URI
scheme could be used as a way to add autodiscovery of feeds to Gemini,
circumventing the fact that we have no <rel> tags.  And the tag: URI
scheme is also a nice way to put an unambiguous timestamp on a document.
Not only could this be very useful for search purposes, but it would
simplify the automatic generation of Atom feeds (it's now very clear
that the use of filesystem timestamps as used by gemfeed is not robust
against different people's workflows).

However, it's also true that none of this is stuff I ever envisaged
being in Gemini, because I had a naive mental model of what URIs were.

I feel kind of powerless to prevent the use of these schemes.  I don't
want the Gemini spec to include an explicit whitelist or blacklist or
schemes (although I'm tempted to forbid data:).  This will lead to a
maintenance nightmare as new schemes are proposed (I don't want to be
constantly updating Gemini, I want to try to "get it right" and then
just leave it be), feels authoritarian, and will anyway be unenforcible
if popular opinion wants to use a certain scheme.  So, it seems this
stuff is going to happen.

My big concern is not simply that people will do things with Gemini that
I didn't envision.  That was always going to happen to some extent
anyway.  My concern is that this stuff substantially complicates the job
of designing and implementing clients.

When text/gemini was designed, I used the mental model of "URIs as
pointers to stuff you could fetch off the internet".  This is clearly
what links lines were "supposed to be".  The spec says that clients can
render those lines however they like, but because of that limited sense
of what a URI could be, it went without saying that:

  an option to the user - "Here is some stuff you can get, if you want

In short, there was supposed to be a single, concrete "unit of
interface" with narrow scope that a client author has to decide how to
implement.  Variation between clients in how that was done would not
substantially change the overall user experience.

With stuff like data:, feed:, tag:, geo:, and the myriad other
"non-locational schemes", all of this goes out the window.  What is a
client supposed to do with all these?  If I want to write a minimal
client that just knows how to follow gemini:// links and nothing else,
what the heck do I do with a tag: link?  Display it to the user, or
hide it?  If I choose to display it using exactly the same code path I
would use to to display a gemini:// link, I need to go out of my way
to make that code path robust against stuff that doesn't make sense for
"proper" links, like there not being a "netloc" component (AV-98
currently silently drops tag: links, for example, because they cause an
Exception when I try to handle them as if they were a "proper" link).
If I *do* successfully display them as if they were a proper link and
the user tries to follow one, what is supposed to happen?  Assuming I
fix the aforementioned problem, AV-98 will say "Sorry, no support for
tag", because it fills out a template that I designed thinking of cases
like "Sorry, no suport for ftp", which most users will understand.  *I*
would be very confused by a "no support for tag" message, I'd think
"What, there *are* no tags in Gemini, what's going on here?".

Basically the problem left to the discretion of client authors has
changed from a simple and obvious one to one that is rather more
open-ended, and the natural result will be greater variation in the
actual user experience across clients, authors being confused when their
content doesn't render the way they expect it to in some clients (a
familiar experience with the web which it's tragic to recreate in
Gemini!), and users being confused when their client talks about tags
and geos as if they were network protocols.  None of this is a good
thing!  Nothing is supposed to be this open-ended in Gemini!

So, I'm not sure how to proceed here.  People should feel free to
experiment with possibilities, because informed decisions are better
than uninformed ones.  But I would advise people not to get fiercely
attached to any idea of how non-locational URLs might work in Gemini.
It's uncharted territory.



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