humble suggestions to specs documentation

On Tue, May 26, 2020 at 06:07:28PM +0000, solderpunk wrote:

Hi solderpunk!

> >
> > I the code was  too long could be added in an  appendix or some code
> > form an existing implementation can be linked, i do know.
> I think code examples are beyond the scope of a specification, and would
> be far too long if we tried to provide good coverage.

That is a fair point. :)

> But I've thought
> for a while now some kind of "implementer's guide" as a separate
> document would be a good idea.

I think this is an excellent idea! :D

> Specifically, it would be nice to have
> code in many languages / libraries for setting up TLS 1.2 to use only
> the more secure cipher suites.

I am quite busy with another  project at the moment, but if interested
(and if i succeed) i could contribute showing some code in common lisp
in the future. I actually do not  know very well the current status of
TLS libraries in  this language but peraphs this could  be a chance to
improve the libraries too, who knows! :)

> Thanks for taking the time to make these suggests.

I am  happy i was able  to give a  contribute to this project  even if
(given my modest skills) just minimal! :)



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