Someone's client struggles with relative URLs

On 19-May-2020 18:34, Andrew Kennedy wrote:
> checking my logs, and noticed a client that was tacking relative URLs 
> onto the current document, instead of the current folder. Maybe I'm 
> wrong, but that sounds like wrong behavior on the client's end to me. 
> Here's the logs:
> I don't really understand how the client managed to get to 
> updates.gmi, since that is also relatively linked in my index.gmi. But 
> hopefully the dev will read this e-mail if they didn't already know 
> about the issue.
Thanks for that - its probably me - I'm testing a new client. Still a 
few things to fix before announcing, like this broken URL assembly 

Or maybe I was testing the robustness of your server by requesting 
broken urls ;-)

  - Luke


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