Text reflow woes (or: I want bullets back!)y

Okay, it looks like we are not as close to a consensus as I had hoped or
imagined.  That's fine.  I don't want to rush this process, as much as
I'm looking forward to it being over.  I wonder if we can make a simple
incremental improvement to the spec-spec now, though, using some of the
ideas that have come out of this latest round of discussion.

As a reminder, the current spec-spec, version 0.9.2, basically defines
text/gemini thusly:

  isolated newlines into spaces and N consecutive newlines into N
  consecutive newlines.

That's it.

This format:


(this last point kicked off this gigantic email thread)

We could change this to the following:

  screen, but no RFC 1896 style mangling of newlines is allowed

  write long lines instead.

This format:

i.e. it solves the problem that kicked off this email thread, without
sacrificing support for arbitary screen width - at the cost of requiring
that clients be able to wrap lines.

Does anybody *disagree* that this change by itself would improve the
current spec-spec?

I think this is, in fact, the smallest possible change to the current
spec-spec which solves my original complaint without sacrificing support
for arbitrary screen width.  So maybe I should rephrase that question:

Would anybody *prefer* that we spec hard-wrapping to some specified
length (80, 40, whatever) over speccing the above "long line" solution?
Please speak up if so!



Previous in thread (140 of 148): 🗣️ James Tomasino (tomasino (a) lavabit.com)

Next in thread (142 of 148): 🗣️ Jason McBrayer (jmcbray (a) carcosa.net)

View entire thread.