FW: Text reflow woes (or: I want bullets back!)y

I've mostly been sitting back through all of this list and raw mode
talk, only occasionally popping in small points here or there. But
I figure if this is a community decision it is good if those in the community
voice their support or lack of support for ideas. 
I am mostly ambivalent about the need for a raw text mode. Terminals 
and any graphical clients (GTK, FLTK, Tcl/Tk) all wrap to the window at either
a hard or a word wrap. If we arent reflowing, then we are already doing what
needs to be done. There has been talk about not wrapping python code. Ok.
I get how that would look bad. But which is more readable:
      1. Hard-wrapped python code
      2. Truncated python code where you just straight up lose the content
Clearly #1. I get it as a nice thing for ascii art, but again I feel like using
ascii art is a risk a content creator takes... knowing that it may degrade
poorly on various output systems.
Tomasino writes:
> 1. Listing things
> 2. Quick instructions where headers are overkill
> 3. Track listings
> 4. Top 10 lists
> 5. The same reasons we want bullets the reflow
> 6. Recipes!
I think Tomasino's response to Julien, in plain text, just proved the _lack_ of 
need for lists.
Want a list? Write a list.... handled. I really really really do not see the point of 
adding all of this markup :-/ Just serve files as markdown if you want
markdown and let clients either support markdown or not. 
I really do not want to, and likely will not, add support for lists in my current
or any future gemini client I make. I don't see the point. 
I do appreciate all of the work and thought that has gone into trying to
figure these things out. It just feels unnecessary for a simple protocol
like gemini. Why get complex when just serving markdown or html or
whatever you like will do the job and people can read it as they see fit.
We are definitely starting to get into the territory with the proposals
where some client authors will support some things and some wont...
which will create a fractured view of gemini to users. So why not keep it
simple and cohesive by just having links and move on to other things?
Just my two cents at the moment.


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