Text reflow woes (or: I want bullets back!)y

On Fri, Jan 17, 2020 at 02:27:15PM +0000, solderpunk wrote:
> ...
> I guess the next thing to do is to start thinking about how
> difficult a "good enough" (not necessarily perfect) implementation of
> wrap_line_to_viewport is in most languages, and decide whether or not we
> think that burden is too high.

I don't think it's too high. I just wrote up an awful implementation in 
the most naive way possible and it came out ~30 lines, with a good deal of
that being the edge case of words longer than the viewport width (i 
handled this by splitting these words with hyphens at the viewport width;
i don't know if there are other edge-cases that need to be handled but i 
can't think of any).

I'm attaching it. You can execute it with:

python3 wrap.py [length] [text]

Or import it and call wrap with first parameter being the text and the
second being the viewport width.

I can't stress enough how "not perfect" this is (I wrote it up on my
phone, of all things, in about 5 minutes, so very little thought was put
into making it good) but at the very least it's doable. I know you mention
that python can do this natively, but I didn't use any dynamic-typing, and
all that's required for this sort of implementation is a method to split 
by newline and space, so really something like this could be done pretty 

But it's still not good.

~ lel
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