Text reflow woes (or: I want bullets back!)y

On Thu, Jan 16, 2020 at 03:26:13PM -0800, Aaron Janse wrote:
> Hmm, even allowing reflowing sounds like it could cause incompatibility
> issues. Should there be standardized markup for bullet points? What about
> poems, something I think are much easier to find on Gopher than on the
> HTML web? How about markdown title lines immediately followed by text?

Well, a lot of this is exactly what the recently proposed ``` was
supposed to help fix.  Things precisely like the haiku example you
provided would be enclosed within ``` lines so that they didn't get
mangled by a reflowing client.

A speedy recap of the history of text/gemini, excluding the link syntax
debate which is thankfully past us:

  anything of the sort.  Everybody was producing hard-wrapped content
  and/or writing clients which expected hard-wrapped content (probably
  running on auto-pilot from Gopher experiece), so that was in some
  sense the implicit standard.

  one of their least favourite parts of Gopher because the days where
  everybody was at an 80 char terminal are over and Gopher content often
  looks mangled on their smartphones.

  mistake I updated the spec-spec to its current version, permitting
  clients to reflow if they want to, because, hey, what's the worst that
  could happen?

  became clear that this was a disaster, precisely because it breaks
  bulleted lists (hence the subject of this thread), but also other
  content like ASCII art, poems, source code, etc.

  the hunt was on for a slightly extended syntax to allow clearly
  signalling to reflowing clients "thou shalt not reflow/wrap/mangle
  these particular lines" (even at this point, there were voices which
  said this was all getting to hard and we should forget about

  whitespace signalling that text should not be reflowed (which I now
  think is a bad idea for several reasons and don't want us to consider
  again), the ``` line idea seems to have provoked no serious objections.
  I thought there was light at the end of the tunnel..

But as your email makes clear, the ``` syntax is not a panacea.  It will
allow haikus, one-word-per-line text, source and other things, so it's
an improvement over the current spec-spec.  However, it still doesn't
really work, or works in a very inconvenient and ugly way, for many
other things like lists, Markdown headings, etc.

I don't hate bulleted lists, or Markdown headings.  On the contrary, I
like them and use them a lot and it would be lovely if Gemini documents
could include them.

But I really, really don't want:

1. To distract everybody's time and energy for the Gemini project for
   even more months than we already have hammering this stuff out when
   we could be discussing way more interesting and important stuff, or
   writing software, or best of all writing content so this thing takes

2. To end up with a final spec where the section that explains precisely
   how to render a text/gemini document involves more words than the
   sections which explain the actual protocol itself.  text/gemini is
   supposed to be a lightweight format!

3. To end up with a text/gemini specification which is basically exactly
   the same as Markdown except with a different link syntax.  That's
   just using a lot of time to basically reinvent a wheel, and it's an
   especially poor use of time when Gemini is already capable of just
   serving actual Markdown with a MIME type to indicate that it's doing
   that!  And it sucks for authors of non-graphical clients, because how
   to properly render Markdown isn't actually defined beyond how to
   properly transform it to HTML, and how to render HTML in a terminal
   is not defined at all and there are few libraries for it.  It would
   be an epic fail if simple terminal Gemini clients had to hand content
   over to lynx as a external formatting tool.

4. To compromise on the idea that writing a basic but usable client
   should be really quick and easy.  I don't mind if text/gemini has
   some voluntary extra complexity.  I really like the two digit status
   code solution we chose for the response header - extra
   information/power is there for when it is needed, but simple clients
   can ignore it and still function correctly.  This has to be true for
   handling text/gemini too.  Whatever extra complexity we add has to
   degrade gracefully when ignored.  I get that really comfy,
   full-featured "flagship" clients are inevitably going to be more
   complicated, and that's fine.  But I don't want to repeat the
   mistake of the web where flagship clients are basically compulsory,
   and if you try to take something nice and simple like Dillo outside
   of a very, very small subset of the web (maintained by people like
   us) you end up with a badly broken user experience.  Something that
   a single person can bang out on the same weekend they read the spec
   for the first time should be able to render the majority of
   Geminispace into something that's comfortable to read.  Not
   necessarily perfect, but something that you might voluntarily use to
   read content for half an hour.

I just don't see how to simultaneously avoid all these things *and* end
up with a text/gemini that nicely supports headings and lists and
quotations which are robust against reflowing/wrapping.  I honestly
think it's impossible to simultaneously satisfy all three of:

1. Easy to describe and to parse
2. Capable of "richness" like headings, lists, quotes, etc.
3. Looks good on arbitrary screen widths

Basically, you have to pick two.  If you really want 2. and 3. you have
no choice but define a whole set of special syntax like in HTML or
Markdown (which is really just a more syntactically lightweight form of
a subset of HTML), and that kills 1.  Specifying a fixed character width
for hard-wrapped lines gives you 1. and 2. (this is exactly how Gopher
works, where people use all that richness all the time without even
thinking about it), but breaks 3 because the fixed character width is
always going to be too long or too short for some device.  And finally,
the current spec-spec delivers 1. and 3.  It's not hard to reflow just
plain paragraphs of text to arbitrary widths, the breakage only occurs
when the text contains richness like headers, lists, quotes, etc.  By
adding ``` to the spec-spec we can allow a tiny bit of richness in
(poems, source code, ASCII art), but it's not enough to give us anything
like a web-like or even gopher-like textual experience.

Compromising on 1. means compromising on the entire point of Gemini, so
that's not happening.

We need to either compromise on 2. by giving up on the idea that
text/gemini documents can reliably support headings, lists, etc. (and
this will be a bit of a blow for the idea of boostrapping Geminispace by
mirroring existing Gopher content, because a lot of that Gopher content
is going to include exactly those things in Markdownesque format without
any Gemini-specific ``` lines it, and so will be mangled by reflowing
Gemini clients) or we need to compromise on 3. by defining a fixed
character width (with doesn't necessarily have to be 40) and accepting
that Gemini just won't look great on tiny screens.

Right now I'm inclined to sacrifice 3. more than I am 2.  Not working
nicely on smartphones will be a shame and probably upset a lot of
people, but *something* has to give and it seems sensible for that to be
devices which, at the end of the day, are obviously not well suited to
displaying non-trivial quantities of text anyway.  There's a reason that
newspapers, magazines, books, e-readers and even folded brochures are
all wider than phones!  And it would just be embarrassing for Gemini
documents to need to be structurally simpler than Gopher documents (by
never using lists, etc.).

> While providing the option of hard-wrapped text would appeal to retro
> users, it could come at the cost of a much more complex spec for how
> to reflow along with incompatibilities as clients act differently
> when confronted with un-specified situations.

At this point, hard-wrapping text for me has a lot of appeal which has

complex spec.  If text/gemini is hard-wrapped and clients are forbidden
from ever reflowing, then people can basically use Markdown syntax (or
any other syntax they like!) to produce rich text content without the
client needing to actually understand any of that syntax, and hence
without the spec needing to describe any of it.  It gives you maximum
expressive power for minimum spec or implemetation complexity, which is
very Gemini.

Before you started posting to this list I would have added "and the

then smugly dismissed phones as junk and been happy.  But you have
covinced me (and I thank you for it!) that this approach has real
downsides too, in that it doesn't play as nicely with version control
software and is, averaging across the space of all possible editors,
actually more difficult for authors to write and to edit than the form
where paragraphs are just very long single lines.  So, now I recognise
this as a compromise solution and I'm not hugely enthusiastic about it.
But I really do think that the solution *has* to be a compromise, and
that this might be the best possible compromise, all things considered.

If anybody really wants to change my mind on this, your time is probably
best spent trying to come up with a text/gemini syntax which allows rich
text features, degrades gracefully in very simple clients, can be
rendered in no more than 100 LOC of Python (and less is better!) and can
be succinctly but unambigiously described in the spec.  I consider the
existence of such a syntax unlikely but not impossible.  I'll try to
come up with one myself, but unless one materialises that nobody really
hates and that can be shown to work well via actual running code by the
end of January, I will declare text/gemini hard-wrapped and we can all
move on to arguing about the One True Width to wrap at instead. :)


PS: I'll probably refrain from posting about *this* particular issue on
the list over the weekend, otherwise I'll never get anything else done!


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