Text reflow woes (or: I want bullets back!)y

On Wed, Jan 15, 2020, at 2:11 PM, solderpunk wrote:
> B) If the paragraph is hard-wrapped at \~40 characters and a client doesn't
> have code to un-wrap and re-rewrap those lines, the result is lines of a
> comfortabe length for reading, which fit on a smartphone and don't have any
> randomly cut-up words at their beginnings and ends.
> Given these two choices, surely B) is preferable?

I think that one-line-per-paragraph would be much better for mobile phones.
I personally use a web browser proxy to read gemini pages when on mobile.
Text wrapped at 80 columns looks horrible. Text wrapped at 40 columns looks
okay, depending on my font size. But if text was one-line-per-paragraph,
firefox would wrap it wonderfully with *zero* effort from the proxy author.

> Admittedly, this analysis is somewhat terminal-centric.  A lot of GUI
> toolkits probably have text displaying widgets which will handle
> breaking lines at word boundaries without the developer having to give
> it a second though.

Yeah. And the variety of clients adds a lot of nuance to how text wrapping

I can only imagine unlimited-column text catastrophically failing in two

1. A very wide terminal
2. A very wide web browser

However, each has a simple solution:

1. Pipe text into the bash `fmt` command, which intelligently wraps text
2. Use *simple* css to make the viewport narrower, then let the browser
   do the wrapping

Thanks, solderpunk, for being a thoughtful BDFL!



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