URLs in request lines

Hi all,

This question occurred to me when debugging some 5x error responses from
servers: how strictly are servers expected to be when responding to
requests?  In particular, if a client is given a URL such as


(i.e. with an empty file name) is it expected to translate it into

gemini://example.com/  ?

The gopher-side of elpher tends to be on the strict side when
representing URLs, due to RFC 1436 strongly emphasizing that gopher
selectors should be regarded as meaningless "opaque" strings which
aren't to be messed with. (Kind of like actor addresses in the actor
model of computation.) So there is _no_ guarantee that a server will
return something sensible for the selector taken from the URL
gopher://example.com/1/ if all you've been given is

Should I keep this behaviour for gemini too?  TBH I'd prefer to at least
to able to interpret gemini://exmaple.com as gemini://example.com/ when
no filename is present, and leave everything else alone.  Which would
mean the "/" selector would become the equivalent of "" in gopher.



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