Hey all, I wanted to create a lightweight graphical client that allows the user to have maximum flexibility, a la modifying a Lisp system. To that regard, I am working on Darwaza (https://github.com/Koshroy/darwaza), a graphical Tcl/Tk browser. Right now, the client looks and feels a lot like McRoss, with some differences in presentation. To install, clone the repo, then mark "main.tcl" as executable, and run it! Some of the groundwork has been laid for making Darwaza extensible. The plan is to allow the user to hook into every part of the renderer to have control over how to display pages, but also have a simple interface to allow users a simple interface to change colors, font sizes, and other such things. Darwaza is still fairly raw, but can already navigate around Gemini space. Upcoming is:
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