Trying Doom once again

[Almost a year ago]({% post_url 2022-06-04-emacs-config-from-scratch %}) I already tried to start using Doom config which I eventually replaced with my own vanilla config.

Today I decided to try it once again. I also wanted to use it in Evil mode to make my hands feel better.

One of my main pain point with someone else's config is that I don't know how to handle it, what options are available and why things work in the way they do.

Since I was on my own config for quite some time I believe I know enough about Emacs configuration to attempt Doom config once again.

First impression

Well, it's not first. If I'm not mistaken it's my third or fourth attempt to use Doom.

So far it feels ok. I ported some configuration from my vanilla config. Added packages I need and things seems working smoothly.

It's interesting to see that Doom preferably switched to `project` mode instead of `projectile` at least this is what I see based on keybindings that are set for `project` mode and no keybindings at all for `projectile`.

My custom org agendas and some other custom functions were ported with just simple copy-paste technique.

What I like

What I need to understand/change


In general, I love the feeling. It took me almost no time to get used to vim keybindings and keep coding like nothing's changed. Probably my vim past is already too deep in my muscle memory. I'm glad my emacs past is also quite deep so I feel like I can seamlessly switch from one way of editing to another.