Hi everyone,
I was looking for an app that should allow me to set a quick reminder without any additional functionality.
The one was found, it is `at` binary which is available by default on most (if not all) Linux distributions (checkout `man at`). Shortly, the `at` command allows you to specify a command and time you want to run that command at.
What I want, is to get a notification at some special time. For notifications we can use `notify-send`, but since I'm currently on Windows and use WSL, we will use my `wsl-notify` script (checkout for [notify-send replacement for WSL]({% post_url 2019-01-13-wsl-windows-toast %}) post)
I've added a function to my zshrc and called it `remind`.
Here is its code:
remind() { echo "/path/to/wsl-notify \"$1\"" | at "$2" }
The usage is next:
$ remind 'call mom' '1:00pm'
And at 1:00pm I will get the native windows notification which I can even snooze. Brilliant.