notify-send replacement for WSL


Unfortunately there is no way currently to make brilliant `notify-send` work on WSL.


The workaround is to install


which is `powershell` module (or command) that allows you to show native notifications. After it's installed we can write a script that can execute PowerShell "cmdlet" from within WSL.


So when **BurntToast** is installed let's create a super simple bash script (name it like `wsl-notify`)

#!/usr/bin/env -bash

powershell.exe "New-BurntToastNotification -Text \"$1\""

Give our `wsl-notify` execution rights (with `chmod +x wsl-notify`) and move it to `/usr/bin` folder with `mv wsl-notify /usr/bin/`

That's it, now we can call `wsl-notify 'The Notification Text'` and we will get native notification in Windows. Make sure to wrap all the text into single or double quotes to make all the text to be considered as a first argument to our `wsl-notify` script.


When **BurntToast** is installed you have to make sure it works, just fire up your PowerShell and type `New-BurntToastNotification`.

If you see error saying something about import module, then you have to import the module. Just type `Import-Module BurntToast`.

In case you've got error during the import process, it's probably because third-party scripts execution is not allowed on your system which can be fix with this command:

`Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser` - (checkout more about it

