Frontend Developer interview. Help for interviewers (2)

If you didn't look at [Part 1]({% post_url 2018-07-16-frontend-interview-discuss %}) of this post please check it out.

Project 2

Given a news site and its admin area. In admin area there are many users. Each user can edit a news-post.

Possible flow:

* What message(s) should be send by web socket client to a server? * What answer should be send by web socket server so client can know that post is blocked? * How to make sure two users will not block the post? * When user leaves a post who should be the next "owner" of a post if multiple other users are on a post page?

* Frontend can have two Ajax requests sending by interval (one is to lock, another one is to check if locked) * Backend should receive the "lock" and lock the post **TEMPORARY**. * If no another "lock" request received by the same user we should unlock the post (temp record should be removed) * Lock the post when there is no "lock" on the post and mark that post is locked by a user.

I hope this project and the project from Part 1 will help you to understand more about your candidate.