VMWare run/stop VM from command line

Hi everyone,

so here are two basic commands you can wrap in functions or anything else to run/stop VM of **VMWare Workstation**.

vmrun -T ws start "C:\vms\workstation.vmx" nogui

`nogui` option in this case forces the vmrun NOT to open the GUI window. `workstation.vmx` is a file, usually is the same as your VM name.

There is nothing special. Just stop instead of start.

vmrun -T ws stop "C:\vms\workstation.vmx"

You can check out the output of `vmrun` command to see a bit more options to manage VMs.

Also take a look at my [other]({% post_url 2018-02-18-run-commands-on-guest-vm %}), [posts]({% post_url 2018-02-18-virtualbox-headless-mode %}) related to pretty the same subject but for VirtualBox.