Recently I wanted to create separated "window" for my weechat so I can easily alt-tab to it.
I've wrote the .desktop file and place it to `~/.local/share/applications` so gnome-shell (I'm on ubuntu 17.10) will show me it.
And it did, BUT when I start the weechat the icon turned to "terminal-like".
Ok, there is terminals like `xfce4-terminal` that allows to set custom icon when terminal is starting... so let's try
xfce4-terminal -I /the/icon/i/need -e /usr/bin/weechat
...aaaand nothing!
There are other temrinals allows us to set custom icon but non of them was working.
It turned out the gnome-shell overrides everything it thinks is a terminal with the icon from theme currently used.
Discarding some guesses I decided that gnome-shell determines that app belongs to "terminal family" based on WM_CLASS window property (you can see them using `xprop`). Thanks god (or gnome developers) the gnome-terminal has `--class` option that overrides the WM_CLASS property. After that my .desktop file just works.
Here is an example:
[Desktop Entry] Version=1.9.1 Name=Weechat Comment=Weechat the IRC client Exec=gnome-terminal --role=weechat --class=weechat -- /usr/bin/weechat Icon=/usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/weechat.png Terminal=False Type=Application Categories=Chat;Development;
See `Exec` value with `--role` and `--class` options.