
Hello peers,

I've been following the Gemini landscape for a while and I finally

decided to host my content here. Hopefully I'll be sharing tips &

tricks on/for the BEAM, Plan 9 and miscelanea.

Nowdays I spend most of my time outside computing. Lately been trying

to kick-off a farm and hopefully getting back to cycling someday.

Back in the days I used to tinker with hardware —Ralink, Realtek—, RF,

wireless networks and distributed systems. On my Unix days I

evangelized Solaris/OpenSolaris a lot and ran COLOSUG (Colombia

OpenSolaris User Group) until Sun was shutdown.

I'm fond of the Lisp family —specially Scheme and Emacs Lisp— but

never had the chance to use them at work ☹.

As for my software stack only two things stand the most across decades

of computing: Plan 9 and Emacs.
