
Fräulein Mayers Hinterhaus Jazzer


While the Gregorian calendar year 2021 AD is nearing its end, and while solstice is only three days away, I sit at my desk. Procrastinating. I could, of course, do a number of things, that need to be done soon. But I'm not in the mood. So I decided to use my turntable to fill the air with sounds. And my fingers reached for "Frl. Mayers Hinterhaus Jazzer" --- a Dixieland Band from the Freiburg area. Nostalgia for me. Unforgotten concerts in the local sports hall. The sports club would serve drinks and food. At 20h the place would be packed full, the band started playing shortly after that. The music was making many jump up and down --- sitting on a chair? Hard. At 23h they would say something like "oh, we are playing encores since an hour!" Well, they would take a break and play another set. And another! And at midnight they would say something like "ok, ok, we play one more song! But that it's that, folks, come back next time!" And they would, and the audience waving and screaming and hopping along ... such were the time. Around 1980, if you wondered.

Now, their music is straight Dixieland Jazz, with a few funny experiments here and there. Some songs fairly slow, "singing" them out on trumpet or bass clarinet. Some songs faster, but never hasty --- at least as listened to from a 2021 point of listening. They issued an album with Christmas Songs, Dixieland style!

I didn't find a wikipedia entry. But their music is on youtube. Start here:


St. Louis Blues


Making Whoopie




End of the Yellow Ribbon
