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Hello again @world; this is a rewrite, from scratch, of my Gemini Capsule.

This Gemini Capsule has been rewrote; the things that I put here in the past were disgusting (in the sense that I was basically exposing my life). I think I was writing it as like the file was just a piece of paper I could just scrumble it and put in the trash bin and nobody would see it. On even more distant times, I literally just autodoxxed me for the whole internet, putting my f*ing phone number so that people could call me. I think nothing happened, so I don't care too much anyway. Well, now that I have common sense and know how to filter things out, this is my new canvas where instead of just paiting with anger and anxiety I'll be posting real content, by a normal people, for normal people.

Real content below: How it was my transition from Neovim to Doom Emacs without an internet connection.

Anyway, too much explanation for really nothing content. In this "first" post I'd like to share with you the experiences I had with Doom Emacs (while I don't have internet (I'm literally writing this offline, with Doom Emacs, which I started to use while offline)).


Emacs in general just give me a punch in the face in the sense of documentation. Documenting software is very important, and everyone knows that. But Emacs (not specifically Doom, actually Doom has little documentation. I might help the project into that.) is just a complete suite with this great documentation that's automatically built-in. This helped me *a lot* in discovering what is this great piece of software that now makes me want more and more of that.

Evil mode

As far as the Evil mode, I can't really have any concerns. My issue would be that it's active with vterm by default, - which is weird - but tweaking it isn't that hard.

Org mode

Wait, I started using it past week and Org mode just changed my life???? In *1 week*!?!??! Yes, it's really a game changer when you can just have this way of annotating your life and make it more concrete. Org mode for me is just what I needed for having *real* productivity. Actually, Org mode incentivize me become a better person; having those TODO items in Org Agenda is just annoying, for some reason. Actually, the rewrite of this capsule was probably because I started using Org mode.

Gemini in Emacs

Elpher is a cool client. I still think it doesn't compare to Amfora in the terminal, but it is still a really cool and powerful client. I have some disagreements with elpher-mode - I can't use "gg" to go to the top, but I can use "G" to go to the bottom (???), bindings get you somewhat confused (Why "go to previous page" would be "u"??? What's the mnemonic of that? "undo switch pages"??? It doesn't click well.) but it's still rather simple to getting used to. Unlike Elpher, gemini-mode doesn't have any complains at all, it works. After all, it's just syntax highlighting.


Is it worth it? Maybe. I can still see myself using Neovim and terminal in general, the only thing that really boost up my life was Org mode I guess, but maybe Markdown could do it (also it would be fairly easy to convert md to gemini capsules; not that Org isn't) as well as Org. As implied, I didn't have any connection to the internet at all, on that, Doom held my hand and helped me gone through the bare basics of this. Now that I use Emacs, probably, I'll use less and less the terminal to focus on here.

Emacs is a true gamechanger; It's a way of life, rather than a text editor.