My Gemlog is now built with Halp

After a few hours of work - spread out over many weeks due to other commitments! - my Gemlog is now statically generated by a simple set of Perl scripts called Halp.


It's not that I disliked Kiln, far from it - I think Kiln is a great choice when starting out with a Gemini capsule.

I went through my reasoning on my blog at the time (I migrated my Web content onto Halp first). I'll reproduce it here, as none of it has changed.

The choice to write my own Web and Gemini software might be seen as a little strange, as might my choice of language (especially given my love of Common Lisp). As I explain in the Halp README, I have several goals for the project:

This led me to a pretty short shortlist:

The Plan 9 dialect of C.

rc shell.

Perl 5.

Having spent a few years as a professional C coder I'm reluctant to reach for it for any text-heavy task. rc is okay but I don't find it terribly easy to read - I struggled a bit with Werc. That left ... Perl!

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