(dr) molly tov

bombs in bottles

it begins: gardening season is here

Today I tilled the side garden.

I dislike tilling. I avoid it whenever possible. But the side garden left me no choice. I needed an efficient way to disrupt a whole lot of Glechoma hederacia (aka "creeping Charlie" and a whole lot of other names) without disrupting two dozen asparagus crowns, a row of peonies, or a thriving colony of Asclepius tuberosa (aka "butterfly milkweed").

I dislike tilling, but I'll do it when it's the best tool for the job, and this time it was. The Glechoma hederacia in the front garden is getting sheet mulched, though. No reason not to.

And so gardening season officially begins, with my snowdrops in full bloom and a handful of crocuses just beginning to open. This weekend, a team of guys who all remind me eerily of my brother-in-law will come tear down twenty white cedars behind my house, freeing me to start the next big project: terracing the backyard hill.

The front yard is a shade garden; the back yard will finally have enough sun to grow decent tomatoes. I'm looking forward to this summer.


tip jar

