(dr) molly tov

bombs in bottles

app fights and lost hours

1. For some reason, I'm very aware of the "lost hour" this year. DST always messes with me, and it always takes about a week for me to adjust. This year, however, I get acutely aware we're an hour ahead right around 6:30 pm - when my brain absolutely cannot believe how late it is.

It might be extra annoying this year because I'd actually started waking up naturally at 5:00 a.m. Standard time. Which is 6:00 a.m. Daylight Time, aka "the time of day my alarm goes off." So instead of having an extra hour to read and work in the morning, I now do not have that. Unless I train my brain to wake up at what it thinks is 4:00 a.m. - which I already know is not going to work.

I loathe Daylight Saving Time.

2. Since switching to Sailfish OS, I've noticed there are three types of apps:

I've been amused by the number of apps that fall in the second category. Like casual drug addicts, they claim they need their poison of choice to live, yet when deprived of it they...go on living.

So far, I've only found two apps that fall in the third category. One is an app I use to find restaurants while traveling that stand a chance of threading the needle of my dietary needs. The other is the app my city is trying to make us all use instead of putting coins in parking meters the way God intended.

Both apps have website alternatives that work, so I'm not stressing yet. I am, however, about to write a peeved letter to the city commission pointing out that "give your data to Google" should not be a deal we have to make in order to legally park a vehicle within twelve blocks of wherever we may be legally required to go downtown (like, say, the courthouse). I doubt they'll listen, but I'll feel better for having written it.

2.5. One of my crocuses bloomed today as well. I don't even care if the weather forecast has us dropping into the 40s F next week. SPRING IS HERE AND YOU CAN'T STOP IT.


tip jar

