project oriented doggo


listening to: king of my castle - wamdue project


i put a link to my old blog on the main page here

my blog

and read through a couple of old entries. reminded me how much fun i had during my "projects" year. how many different things i did, just by having a list of ideas at hand and publicly reporting on them. something i might want to try again! strange to think that that was before any attempt at memory keeping... since i've started doing that, two years now, it feels like another layer of hmmm daily activity. like... memory keeping takes a few seconds to do, but having to Always Be Aware Of It (of things happening during the day that i might want to write down) does kind of make me more wary of Doing Projects, because who has the energy? on the other hand i do end up doing projects, just not... having set out to do them? brains.

different topic: spirituality seems to be shifting towards ancestor stuff. it does so anyway around autumn, but i think with all my elders gone, it's going to be a big theme and need, keeping up with that. having that as my Broader Context. i can still do what i do, just add an ancestral angle to it. what i really wish is to have enough room for an ancestral shrine. like.. a gallery wall with all the photos or something. i could definitely try to work out a digital version to have on my desktop! and there's the long term project of learning flemish (dutch for now) to be able to talk to the Local Elders.



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