Bluespace Shipping LLC ------------------------ Blue-hot shipping, Blue-hot results! ------------------------ PILOT LOG #355 PILOT: @@@@@@@@@@ CREW: 3 CARGO: @@@ @@@@@ @@@@@@@ CREW STATUS: NOMINAL SHIP STATUS: NOMINAL ----------------------- ADDIT. NOTES: ------------------------ Well, hello to the new audience here. Yes, we are really pilots for BSC. Contain your surprise. Long story short, another one of the pilots here managed to jailbreak the ships computer enough to send out messages. Unfortunately, the only messages available to us are the daily ship log, but we CAN redact all the stuff that gets us into legal trouble.. hopefully. Also, it seems like it will mirror every message to and from this computer, so apologies in advance and please don't blacklist this ship we have nothing else to do here. We should probably be thankful though, since this company has quite a bad reputation with "safety".. having insurance that SOMEONE knows of us is probably a good move in that case. -b