A critical obituary for a rebel general

Leia Organa, the politician and revolutionary who led the defeat of the Galactic Empire, died after a short illness. She was 60 years old. Hers was a life laced with controversy concerning everything from her tactics to her very ancestry, but her intelligence, commitment to the Republican cause, and place at the heart of the Rebellion, and later the Resistance against Neo-Imperialism, remains the indisputable core of her legacy.

Via inks [1], “Leia Organa: A Critical Obituary – you're always being judged [2]”

Sigh … as if 2016 wasn't bad enough with the death of Carrie Fisher. Now you have to take Princess Leia as well?

Good riddance, 2016!

[1] http://www.tedunangst.com/inks/l/690

[2] https://mobunited.wordpress.com/2016/12/28/leia-organa

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