What happened to the great Super Bowl ads?
Just wait until I reveal the truth behind the bees
1997 called. They want your F**K YOU! USE THIS BROWSER! site back.
Sailing the Corporate Seas, Part II
Wonderful pulp fiction magazines from a past future that never happened
I've been doing this for thirteen years
640G … we're up to 640G, right? That should finally be enough, right?
1994 called. They want your tag soup site back.
I have been informed that it is indeed, a holiday today
There's just enough atmosphere to make it interesting
This could make for one killer spy computer
It's not quite a Prisoner's Dilemma as there was no incentive to defect
It's all a matter of perspective
Bunny has been having a heel of a time
“Just sell public information,” they said …
Peanut butter and chocolate? Wonderful. Raspberry and chocolate? Divine. All three?
Aliens the Musical. Enough said
This is one of those “hard” problems, isn't it?
But it still doesn't help when the DSL goes down
Something you never want to hear from an airline pilot
Some impressions about LuaRocks