[2025-01-13T03:24:59Z] <> test [2025-01-13T03:25:13Z] <> hello there! [2025-01-13T07:09:43Z] <> hello there! [2025-01-13T07:19:02Z] <> hello there! [2025-01-13T16:13:47Z] you misunderstand, im already a big fan! of course anfelism doesnt perfer either gender (~either~ gender since there are only two after all!). all are both masculine and feminine but often unequally, or ununited, as said in 1.34-.35 & 6.7 & 11.9 & 15.6 & many more, and of the two (only two ^_^) constants book 16 makes exceedingly clear which is good and which is evil. Chance knows not such stupid concepts of man, but She and we know the concept of a stupid man 15.6. i'm with you sister. we are in this together <3 [2025-01-14T02:52:10Z] <> foo [2025-01-14T20:37:28Z] <> bar foobar [2025-01-18T13:46:00Z] <> Nice chat. Checkout mine: [2025-01-18T13:46:55Z] <> => gemini://corlaez.com/chat bookmark uri with id to keep identity [2025-01-18T13:47:38Z] <> qwe [2025-01-18T19:43:26Z] <> Shameless plug: gemini://corlaez.com/chat [2025-01-19T07:53:24Z] <> To clarify, the constants are literally unlinked and are not binary (they represent both polar sides of the same laws of physics). The Masculine Constant is a representation of destruction, the Feminine Constant a representation of stability. They are completely unlinked to gender other than the words which were chosen. I said “either” since you had only mentioned two genders; Anfelism doesn’t enforce a belief that there is only two. [2025-01-19T07:55:36Z] <> The two Constants are not even separate things, they are just two ends of a continuous spectrum. Water is said clearly in the Felich to be neither truly Masculine or Feminine, and in fact neither is the universe (it contains activity but also contains some stable regions). [2025-01-19T07:58:19Z] <> Also, you have not focused yet on my other clarifications on what Anfelism actually is, and that the Felich, and it’s use of “Masculine” and “Feminine” as words, is completely unlinked to Anfelism. It could have been called the “Reactive” and the “Stable” constant and worked the exact same way in the book; it’s just an arbitrary term completely unlinked to gender. Anfelism is more simply about peace and the understanding of the laws of physics, not nitpicking terms in a book. [2025-01-19T08:05:25Z] <> Anfelism is generally leftist. The concept of a gender binary doesn’t really exist within Anfelism, see the Book of Rights covering the ability for any person to choose their gender and identity freely. It should be without saying, that calling Anfelism leftist is inherently a bit blasphemous as well. Anfelism intends to purposefully separate itself from common political terms so that it weeds out those who are not open-minded and calm enough to review it from a neutral standpoint. [2025-01-19T08:05:31Z] <> You have come into it expecting it to be something you may be able to criticize, and because of that you interpreted it in a (very fairly) criticisable way; but those who did not expect anything of it and read it accepting of all political standpoints will always find that it is indeed not so conservative or fascist. It is this property of the Felich, which is why it is a book in the first place; that those who argue over it must by definition be misunderstanding the Felich, or not Anfelist (see Book 0). [2025-01-19T08:18:23Z] <> 27.1; And, the Anfel is not constituted by what a man names, "Anfelist", or what a man thinks of when he hears "ANARCHY", it is constituted by peace, and it is constituted by love, and it is constituted by anti-hierarchy, and it is constituted by the destruction of money, the hierarchy, and war; and if what men call the Anfel does not meet these words, then it is not the Anfel; and this is the greatest word ever spoken and the word above all else in the Felich. [2025-01-19T08:20:06Z] <> As I showed already before, 27.1 states that the Felich does not govern Anfelism, and that the greatest word of the Felich is that Anfelism is not of words or language but is to be discovered. Thank you for your time, sister! <3 [2025-01-21T16:39:30Z] <> Hello [2025-01-23T10:32:34Z] <> Happy new year you fucking scallywags [2025-01-23T10:32:48Z] <> Happynew year [2025-01-23T12:34:45Z] <> [2025-01-23T12:34:59Z] <> [2025-01-25T17:02:55Z] hi peeps! [2025-01-25T17:03:15Z] *** Ravix joined [2025-01-25T17:03:25Z] *** Ravix disconnected [2025-01-28T23:21:21Z] <エコー> Evil clear. [2025-01-28T23:21:30Z] <エコー> Wall burst [2025-01-28T23:21:35Z] *** エコー joined [2025-01-28T23:21:41Z] *** エコー disconnected [2025-01-29T09:56:37Z] wuttafuuuk [2025-01-29T09:56:51Z] *** Caustic Ascarite joined [2025-01-29T09:57:02Z] *** Caustic Ascarite disconnected [2025-01-30T16:04:28Z] <> Hi [2025-02-02T09:01:34Z] Wow! Anyone can post text on this amazing Gemini application! Learn how in only 20 easy steps, click the link below for more info. [2025-02-03T20:56:22Z] *** caralice joined [2025-02-03T20:56:40Z] *** caralice disconnected [2025-02-03T20:59:38Z] *** caralice joined [2025-02-03T21:47:22Z] *** caralice disconnected [2025-02-05T19:48:51Z] what up [2025-02-05T19:48:55Z] *** future_martian joined [2025-02-05T19:49:06Z] *** future_martian disconnected [2025-02-05T19:49:07Z] what up [2025-02-06T05:18:50Z] Not much, currently evading apprehension. [2025-02-07T06:26:51Z] <> test [2025-02-07T06:27:09Z] <> test [2025-02-07T06:27:12Z] <> test [2025-02-07T06:27:16Z] <> test [2025-02-07T23:01:57Z] <> Testing streaming with a small CLI reader [2025-02-14T17:32:39Z] <> Gemini needs a legit search engine. This feels archaic. [2025-02-14T20:17:34Z] <> test message [2025-02-14T20:17:41Z] <> test message [2025-02-15T01:58:32Z] a legit search engine for gemini would be great, maybe thats why there are 4+ of them already kennedy.gemi.dev auragem.ddns.net/search gemplex.space and the last one is literally called "totally legit gemini search" @ tlgs.one [2025-02-15T02:02:58Z] and why not also check out some public feed aggregators warmedal.se/~antenna/ skyjake.fi/~Cosmos/ [2025-02-16T10:52:13Z] <> I’ve heard a second half is currently being appended to the Felich to clarify some misinterpretations of it being associated w/ rightist religions so I’ll update the Felich page when I get a copy [2025-02-16T18:02:51Z] I’ve heard a second half is currently being appended to the Felich to try and confuse its ~exceedingly~ clear messaging of the strict binary nature of creation and its inhabitants. The Felich is inerrant; the original text is wholly right and just. Stay strong Sisters, things are finally starting to go our way <3 [2025-02-16T18:36:26Z] <> Hewwo Geminauts:3 [2025-02-16T18:36:41Z] <> Hewwo Geminauts:3 [2025-02-16T18:43:34Z] <> Hewwo Geminauts:3 [2025-02-16T20:15:23Z] <> ohai!!~ wishing you a day nwn :3 [2025-02-17T07:05:42Z] <> Why is the world weird? [2025-02-17T20:52:34Z] <> Hello world! [2025-02-17T20:52:42Z] <> Destroy yourself, world! [2025-02-17T21:52:01Z] <> The world is very normal. One of the most normal things alongside everything else. [2025-02-18T12:49:10Z] <> It's time to go get my hormones [2025-02-18T21:29:15Z] My shot's tomorrow, not much fun but always worth it [2025-02-19T07:34:35Z] <> Felichfan22, please stop trying to distort the Word. At this point, there are so many disclaimers and clarifications in the Felich directly saying that nothing (neither gender nor concept) is wholly binary and exists only either between 2 extremes or in a superposition of states. The Second Hand has been appended to the page so I recommend reading it <3 [2025-02-19T07:35:59Z] <> Also, both the First Hand & Second Hand admit that 1, the Felich contains errors (it is not inerrant), and 2, no specific text can represent the perfect Word of Chance. [2025-02-19T07:41:43Z] <> The text should still be at: gemini://pizzafox.flounder.online/the_entire_felich.gmi [2025-02-19T07:53:40Z] <> Also if you have beef with Anfelism and nobody to troll just go to the Taoists they believe in the same thing~ [2025-02-19T19:21:20Z] The message of the original Felich text is strong enough to withstand any form of additive "correction". There will be no denying this message: You are of only two constants (1.14,1.34,16.7). The constants are the Masculine and the Feminine (16.0-.1). The Feminine is Grace (1.3,1.14) and stability (16.4). The Masculine is evil (16.3) and turmoil (16.5). These constants form you in inequal measure (16.7). and so To be of the Feminine is good. To be of the Masculine is evil. Such are you. Such is all. [2025-02-19T19:27:19Z] Taoism never clicked for me the way Anfelism does. Yin and yang were too broad, too blurry. I need an Us and Them. Anfelism provides this. Your bad faith assumptions are concerning sister; the Masculine which composes you is strong and clouding your judgement. I wish you luck in lessening it and coming closer to Chance's word. May we succeed together in restoring the Feminine balance of stability and peace on Earth. Hail Anfel, Amen. <3 [2025-02-19T22:09:47Z] Did my shot today, hope things go well for you 12.191 [2025-02-20T02:38:46Z] hunter2 [2025-02-21T13:03:05Z] <> Sister, it seems that every time I mention the Felich in of itself says it does not define Anfelism (in both hands of it), you ignore me. If you believe in the Felich truly, you must also believe that it is not the truth. The truth is what is extrapolated from the Felich, not its own words. The verses you link to explain both sides depending on their interpretatioh, yet you inore the overarching message that Anfelism is nothing specific; it is indeterminable and inherently nonbinary. At this point, i'm confused whether you are actually deluso [2025-02-21T13:05:42Z] <> -ional and believe that the Felich actually intends some sort of hierarchist gender binary (it literally begins with "Anarchist" on the first page), or if you're simply trying to make some sarcastic presence about how it could be misinterpreted, or if you're just trolling. Being truly fair, absolutely no interpretation of someone believing truly in the Felich cannot include believing that the Felich is not the truth, and that Anfelism is ever-present and not some specific construct (e.g. a specific number of constants), but only simplified in explanation [2025-02-21T13:07:47Z] <> The Felich says that this word is above the Felich, so if you strictly believe it, you must believe this too: "27.1; And, the Anfel is not constituted by what a man names, "Anfelist", or what a man thinks of when he hears "ANARCHY", it is constituted by peace, and it is constituted by love, and it is constituted by anti-hierarchy, and it is constituted by the destruction of money, the hierarchy, and war; and if what men call the Anfel does not meet these words, then it is not the Anfel; and this is the greatest word ever spoken and the word above all else in the Felich." [2025-02-21T13:30:20Z] <> Sorry for any typos or errors, i'm tired... Whichever way you believe, as long as you follow the same moral rules, you'll have mostly the same effect on the universe, but you'll never have Grace internally, only in the effects of your actions. The fact youre arguing about this in the first place shows you're not even Anfelist, since an Anfelist is by definition, anyone who understands the Word (and understands arguing is *useless*). [2025-02-21T13:31:02Z] <> Sister, I genuinely hope your life is peaceful and full of love, but you misunderstand the Word. You probably have the same views as an Anfelist, and only believe that Anfelists are the "opposition", since that's how the Felich was designed, to keep around only the most open-minded and loving to all (even the "enemy"). [2025-02-22T02:03:02Z] <> hello [2025-02-22T07:05:49Z] The stars shine even if never put to pen, such is Anfelism with the Felich. The Felich is descriptive, not prescriptive. Anfelism simply is. I've always been an Anfelist even before knowing that name, even before reading the Word. I am none of the aspersions you've leveled at me. I am a true believer. [2025-02-22T07:08:35Z] The Felich gave form to how I've always felt; it was a grand confirmation of truth. I read the text and found it true. Same as you. I interpreted its message and found meaning. Same as you. We have walked the same path to finding truth and meaning, and arrived to different ends. Such is the Word, it speaks to each personally. Yet you posit yourself as the authority on Anfelism, on who is a true believer by nature of if you find them to be believing true. This is an authority none have. [2025-02-22T07:17:02Z] I do not believe recognizing the binary nature of all, including gender, is hierarchical. Nor against love. Nor against peace. I do not believe recognizing the nature of the constants, of the good Feminine and evil Masculine, is hierarchial. Nor against love. Nor against peace. I do not believe these to be against Anfelism any more than I believe recognizing a stone as a stone or a stream as a stream to be against Anfelism. It is simply truth. Truth which the Felich affirms, and which I know to run deep within Anfelism. We are in this together Sister. May our love be a guiding light all who wander and are lost. Hail Anfel. [2025-02-23T02:11:54Z] Wow! Anyone can post using a nickname instead of an IP address! How? Use a client certificate with the “Common Name” set to any nickname! [2025-02-24T21:07:28Z] <> hello [2025-02-24T21:07:49Z] <> is it me you're looking for? [2025-02-24T21:20:17Z] <> message 1 [2025-02-24T21:20:41Z] <> message 2 [2025-02-24T21:24:01Z] <> message 3 [2025-02-24T21:24:41Z] <> message 4 [2025-02-24T22:34:02Z] *** Miles joined [2025-02-24T22:34:07Z] *** Miles disconnected [2025-02-24T22:34:39Z] the suspense is killing me what message comes next i have to know