KasKas - Building the bartop was the easy part.

More info, whenever I feel like it, Gosh!

Check the http Site if you really want more info.

The HardWare

KasKas site



What is this shit?

It’s “A heavy and organic written game management application” written using electron. You can use it to organize, filter and start your games. It has a build in server to share your library on a trusted network. You can always check the source. Don’t forget to send a Pull Request.

I don’t speak $nerd so what is this shit?

It’s a program to organize and start your game. It is not the most beautifull nor the most efficient. It does require some initial setup, for example installing retroarch for emulation. If you are having issues with nerd-talk this might not be for you. You can always find more info at the user documentation section

How does this shit work?

You can always find more info at the user documentation section

Why is this shit?

I wanted to organize my games using categories/genres/systems and couldn’t find a solution. So I made it. Had some “feature-creep” and now it is what it is.

How is this shit?

I made it using electron, this means JS, CSS and HTML, because it seemed a fun idea at the time.

Your design is crappy.

I know. You can fix it! Just clone this repo change the main.css file commit and put in a pull request,

Your code is crap!

I know. This is a hobby. Remember the wise words of Chet Pussy: “If you find any code, anywhere, any better… Fork it.”

Your site is crap!

I know. I just wanted to play with Hugo static content generator.