
Official Website

Post-America on youtube

The Post-America About page is all the info I could find. It reads:

Original Content. Woman On Computer. Miss Information.

So I have no idea who is behind this, and if they're mentally sane. Probably not, but I like to belief they can still function in society and don't need to be locked up, kept under supervision or have restricted freedom in any way.

Most of the content is just small snippets, 1-2 minutes long, of decent "What The Fuck" and pure madness. They did release a whopping 14 minutes and 30 seconds video on March 7 2021. My first contact with their content was someone on my timeline posting a link with the caption:

Now this is what I call Propaganda

Post-America TV: Broadcast #1

For 14 minutes all I knew and cared about was obliterated in a hypnotic psy-op matingstorm of distilled reality and the higly subjective experience of american peasantry. I don't even know what that means, and neither should you. It was defenitly something special, and even unpossible to write about without ascending into a lose state of dissociation. It's Fear and Loathing, not just in Las Vegas, but everywhere, all the time, for everyone....

So let's hope they continue producing content.

Post-America Patreon

Some YouTube comments