Election rants

Each paragraph stands alone:

Here's to all the folks who voted to normalize scumbags, and greed, and unashamed self-concern in 2024. Somehow I hope your children are able to find themselves, and a proper role model, once they move out of your home where the orange bastard blasts their brains with nonsense and hate 24/7. May they identify and call you out on your terrible judge of character for the rest of your life.

Seriously how the fuck are these people so terrible at judging character? Oh right, they no longer care about character because they benefit from settling for a terrible person. They deserve better leaders than these. Our country deserves better leaders than these.

I get that folks are concerned with their own finances. But seriously can you not tell the difference between a billionaire whose only concern has been enriching himself, and a civil servant whose concern has been making the lives of others better? What the fuck makes you think the billonaire's skillset will translate into a better life for you? They don't know how to help other prosper. To help others prosper requires an entirely different set of skills, and an entirely different type of heart.

You dumbasses lament the state of the world yet perpetuate a dog eat dog, win at all costs, might makes right situation that will never make things better.

I waffle between wanting to tell 45's voters to "get fucked you stupid selfish cunt" and "holy shit maybe I can help you understand how you have been lied to by conservative media for decades."

Sometimes I wonder whether the poisoning of our political discourse has benefited republican scumbags (not all are scum, but many are lately) on two fronts. The first benefit is you attract the would-be zealots who see the world in black-and-white, who demonize the other side and will eventually happily refer to Democrats as "demon rats". The second is that the reasonable people, those who might still have a heart and a desire for decency, will tune out because "politics is an ugly process" or "there's so much yelling I can't tell what's going on." With those people you get the added benefit that they tune out entirely. The chance they'll learn the truth about what your party is really doing is rare. They will continue to blindly trust you because your party has worked very hard on branding, and their brand loyalty is hard to break if they intentionally tune out or fail to engage with any new information.

The "tariffs are paid by the other country" stuff reminds me of "we're going to build a wall and Mexico will pay for it." Do they know how the wall turned out? Did they hear about the crooks who took people's money, claiming they were going to help build it? Nearly everyone has a phone in their pocket ... Instead of blindly trusting what a chronic liar has to say, how about looking up what a tariff actually is?

Christians have shown yet again that they have a conditional morality. They will gladly stand for nothing at all when it benefits them.

It's appalling that Christians would stand by someone like 45. They make excuses for his actions, stick their heads in the sand about the reality of his character. They ignore, downplay, or welcome, the harm that he said he will inflict on others. I truly hope that Christians continue to lose all credibility in the world. I hope that anyone they try to witness to replies with, "y'all voted for the worst person imaginable, I want nothing to do with your terrible religion."

The strong man will scare all the problems away. He didn't need concepts of a plan after all.

All the folks who were too cool to pay attention in school continue to mistake skepticism for intelligence. Have they considered the 99.99999999% of vaccine injections that did not cause any harm? Fuck RFK Jr.

Realize: if they really cared to foster a marketplace of ideas, they wouldn't be banning books, or CRT. They wouldn't be gerrymandering or engaging in any other pre-emptively dismissing behavior. They wouldn't label everything beyond their own talking-heads as fake news. If they had ethical ideals, or had a desire to engage in "good faith", they wouldn't be doing those things. They're after power. They don't care about doing the right thing. They don't even care about being correct. It sounds like an exaggeration to label MAGA bahavior in this way, but so many of them have taken the kool-aid, or pledged loyalty that it's nearly impossible for them to correct course.

Christianity teaches you to never trust anyone outside the tribe. Honestly that's a great way to enable very bad things. And it's laughable at how childish such a practice seems ... "oh no, they're not part of our group they're probably bad!" But that's deeply ingrained in so many people from a young age. If people truly want a better, more peaceful world, that's the first foundational belief that needs to go.

Election rants was published on 2024-12-20