The blog title represents how I feel currently (darkness) and the hope I'm trying to maintain for the future. Let's be honest, when shameless, smug, hateful, egotistical billionaires roll up into your government, shun experts, appoint cronies and loyalists, give tax breaks for their peers, demonize every political institution that benefits those below their rung on the social ladder, cater to straight white christians without giving a fuck about anyone else, it's hard to have hope in the future of our country.
They control the right-wing media landscape. It's interconnected and coordinated. Conservatives can watch different networks, read different things, then come together and say "that's what I heard too!" and feel like they're all on the same page, like they're in on the whole truth. It's madness. That's what misinformation and disinformation looks like these days. When they come together with the same sentiments and talking points, I doubt any of them even consider looking to more traditional media, or even thinking to consult with those who might have a differing opinion to make sure they're not being lied to. So we need to do more to break through. And that makes me incredibly uncomfortable as an introvert who doesn't like to overstep. Tension exhausts me. But fuck fuck fuck that. I can renew my strength by sharing and hanging out with like-minded folks ... those who maintain an optimistic, inclusive vision of what our country should be.
after darkness was published on 2024-11-14