Copyright � 1998 by Craig Shoemaker.
All Rights are Reserved World Wide; this includes all distribution and re-distribution
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Copyright 1998 by Craig Shoemaker
Study Composer's Score
1 piccolo player
2 flute players with doubling on the alto flute,
2 oboe players with doubling on the English horn,
2 clarinet players,
1 bass clarinet player,
2 bassoons
2 French horns,
1 trumpet,
0 alto trombone,
2 tenor trombones,
1 bass trombone,
1 baritone (also known as the euphonium)
1 tuba
Timpani (five pieces)
Percussion (4 players):
Bass drum, snare drum, tambourine, chimes, "bass glockenspiel", glockenspiel, xylophone, vibraphone with downward range extended by using the marimba, symphonic grand marimba (if not available use both a marimba and a bass marimba), low African slit drum, one tam-tam, triangles (low, medium and high), suspended cymbal(s) (struck, bowed, and scraped), bell tree, ratchet, anvil.
1 Harp
Score in C
All notation is made at sounding pitch (with no exceptions).
Duration: ca. 3 minutes 40 seconds.
If you know Italian, please feel free to correct my Italian. Thanks.
nobilmente / Play in a noble fashion.
cantabile / Play in a singing manner.
enfatico / Emphatic.
cantabile accompagnamento / Singing accompaniment.
delicato / Delicate. To create a delicate effect.
echeggiando / An echo of another part.
trillo / Trill.
lasciare vibrare / Let vibrate.
lontano tuono / Distant thunder.
con desiderio / With longing or yearning. Longingly or yearningly.
stonato / Jangling.