Notes on iapl for msdos ----------------------- iapl ? display help iapl /x start with apl ega graphics iapl /a start in ascii mode A _ s 2 3 r i6 assign A the numbers 1 to 6 in a 2x3 matrix s means transposition, r is rho and i is itoa note that s r and i are actually shifted characters `1 negative 1 )CLEAR clears workspace )FNS list all functions )LIB list all workspace names )LOAD TUTORIAL runs tutorial includes functions: ASK ASKYN AV COL FACTORIAL FIB IOTA MAT NUB ODDS OVER QLX SHOW SQU TRI WHERE )LOAD USEFUL WSDOC list functions in workspace DDDOC display all functions CMD 'DIR' execute dos command DIR CMD '' drop to dos shell )LOAD NEWS )LOAD DDDEMO runs demo )OFF exit iapl !4 returns 24 (factorial of 4) 2 ! 4 choose 2 from 4, i.e. 6 (also known as binomial coefficient) 3*2 returns 9 (* is exponent) missing ------- )HELP use HELP 'TOPIC' instead e.g. HELP 'USEFUL' gives help on workspace USEFUL keys ---- shift 2 gives goto shift 3 gives quad shift 4 gives del shift 5 gives divide shift 7 gives quote quad shift - gives assign shift i gives iota shift j gives jot shift m gives domino shift x gives multiply