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Interfacing to .Net |
Specifying a call to the .Net environmentYou can interface to .Net by supplying 'net' or .net as the environment string (left argument) for Specifying .Net class names.Net classes are defined in Assemblies (each assembly usually corresponds to a single .Net library DLL, for example mscorlib.dll which contains the basic .Net utility classes), and are organized into Namespaces (such as System, System.Text, System.IO and so on). For example, Microsoft provide a class called Font for representing fonts. This is defined in the System.Drawing namespace, so its fully-qualified name is System.Drawing.Font. The code for this class is held in the System.Drawing assembly, in the shared library system.drawing.dll. When you use
Setting the search paths for namespaces and .Net assembliesWhen you use SW←'.net' ⎕NEW 'StringWriter' Class StringWriter not found in current search list DOMAIN ERROR SW←'.net' ⎕NEW 'StringWriter' ^ The above example has failed because StringWriter is a class defined in the System.IO namespace, which is not included in the default search list. You can set the current search path for .Net namespaces and DLLs by using the system function '.net' ⎕SETUP 'using' 'System' 'System.IO' SW←'.net' ⎕NEW 'StringWriter' SW [.net:StringWriter] The namespaces (and optionally DLLs in which they are located) should be supplied as character vectors after the keyword: '.net' ⎕SETUP 'using' 'System' 'System.Text' 'QMath.Geom,c:\dev\qmath.dll' Each element comprises either just a namespace (such 'System.Text'), or a namespace followed by the name of the DLL in which it is located. This can be a full path name, or just the name of the DLL (in which case the DLL should be in the Global Assembly Cache). For convenience, the path is set by default to include the most important .Net libraries, as follows: System System,system.dll System.Text System.Collections System.Windows.Forms,system.windows.forms.dll System.Drawing,system.drawing.dll You can read the current search list by supplying the 'using' keyword to Conversion of .Net data types to APL dataWhen your read a .Net property, or call a method which returns a result, APLX by default applies the following data conversion rules:
Anything else is left as an Object in the .Net environment, and a reference to the object is returned to APL. There are some special cases to consider. The data might not be convertible at all, or it might lose precision in the conversion. For example, a .Net Decimal might have a higher precision than an APL double-precision floating point can represent. To handle cases like this, APLX provides the An example which cannot be represented at all is where a .Net Double contains a NaN (Not A Number). APL does not handle NaNs, so it cannot be converted to an APL floating-point value. Instead, NaNs are left as Objects. If you try to use the data in an APL expression, you will get a DOMAIN ERROR, but you can see that it is a NaN and use ToString and other operations on it. Enumeration TypesEnumeration types are special classes in .Net, which contain sets of alternative values which a particular type of variable can hold (somewhat similar to enum types in the C language). When a .Net nethod or property returns an Enumeration type, APLX converts it to the equivalent integer. Equally, calls which expect an Enumeration type can be passed the equivalent integer from APL (the type is converted automatically). This means that Enumerations which are sets of bits can be combined in APL using the + primitive. However, for readability of code, and to avoid having to check the specific value of an Enumeration, you can use For example, most .Net dialogs (such as OpenFileDialog, which puts up a dialog inviting the user to select an existing file) return a Enumeration type called DialogResult, indicating which button (OK, Cancel, etc) was clicked to end the dialog. We can access this class to see what the various enumeration values are: DR←'.net' ⎕GETCLASS 'DialogResult' DR.OK 1 DR.OK.ToString OK DR.Cancel 2 DR.Cancel.ToString Cancel ⎕BOX DR.⎕NL 2 Abort Cancel Ignore No None OK Retry value__ Yes This means that, if you call the ShowDialog method of the OpenFileDialog, you can test which button ended the dialog either by checking the numeric value returned, or by seeing if it is equal to the named enumeration value: ∇R←FileDialog;DR;DLG [1] ⍝ Put up file dialog, return file selected or empty vector if none [2] DR←'.net' ⎕GETCLASS 'DialogResult' [3] DLG←'.net' ⎕NEW 'OpenFileDialog' [4] :If DLG.ShowDialog=DR.OK [5] R←DLG.FileName [6] :Else [7] R←'' [8] :End ∇ Parameters passed by referenceTo handle the (relatively uncomon) cases where a .Net method takes an argument 'by reference', and modifies one or more of the arguments in-situ, you can use Using the .Net interface from multiple APL tasksThere are no special restrictions on using the .Net interface from multiple APL tasks. Each task will have an independent copy of the interface, which will be deleted on )CLEAR, )LOAD, or )OFF. Inheriting from .Net classesYour own classes (written in APL) cannot inherit directly from a .Net class. However, you can achieve much the same result by using mixins. In this example, the constructor of a user-defined class called APLDate 'mixes-in' the .Net class DateTime ⎕cr 'APLDate' APLDate { ∇APLDate b ⍝ Constructor for APLDate class ⍝ Argument is vector of Year Month Day Hour Sec ⍝ (or just Year Month day) ⍝ If no argument supplied, use current ⎕ts value :If 0=⍴b '.net' ⎕mixin(⊂'DateTime'),6↑⎕ts :Else '.net' ⎕mixin(⊂'DateTime'),b :End ∇ ∇r←ts ⍝ Return .Net DateTime in ⎕TS format r←Year,Month,Day,Hour,Minute,Second,Millisecond ∇ ∇r←ts_gmt;gmt ⍝ Return the date/time adjusted to GMT, in ⎕ts form gmt←ToUniversalTime r←gmt.Year,gmt.Month,gmt.Day,gmt.Hour,gmt.Minute,gmt.Second,gmt.Millisecond ∇ } dt←⎕new APLDate As well as the methods written in APL, all the public properties and methods of the .Net DateTime class become available in the APL class APLDate: dt←⎕new APLDate dt.⎕nl 2 Date Day DayOfWeek DayOfYear Hour Kind MaxValue Millisecond MinValue Minute Month Now Second Ticks TimeOfDay Today UtcNow Year dt.ToLongDateString ⍝ Method 'mixed-in' from .Net DateTime 19 March 2009 dt.ts ⍝ Method written in APL 2009 3 19 16 0 5 0 dt.ts_gmt 2009 3 19 21 0 5 0 ExceptionsIf the .Net environment raises an error (or exception), APLX will normally try to print the error message or exception text on the session window, and then raise an APL error (typically DOMAIN ERROR). You can get further information by using '.net' ⎕NEW 'DateTime' 'Bastille Day' Constructor on type 'System.DateTime' not found. DOMAIN ERROR '.net' ⎕NEW 'DateTime' 'Bastille Day' ^ exception←'.net' ⎕LE 1 exception [.net:MissingMethodException] exception.⎕NL 2 Data HelpLink InnerException Message Source StackTrace TargetSite exception.Message Constructor on type 'System.DateTime' not found. exception.Source mscorlib exception.ToString System.MissingMethodException: Constructor on type 'System.DateTime' not found. at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceImpl(BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder bin der, Object[] args, CultureInfo culture, Object[] activationAttributes) at System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type, BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binde r binder, Object[] args, CultureInfo culture, Object[] activationAttribute s) at NetBridge.NetBridge.CreateNamedInstance(String class_name, Object[] arg_li st) at APLXObj_New(Void* arch_if, Void** objref, wsobj* args, _ExportedProcs* pro cs, SByte* errmsg) User-interface programming in .NetUser-interface programming in APLX can be done by using the built-in System classes (formerly accessed through User-interface programming using the .Net framework (System.Windows.Forms) is a special case of using .Net objects from within APLX. See the Microsoft documentation for full information on this topic. From the APL programmer's point of view, there are a few specific points to note:
Example 1The following complete example (available in the workspace 10 HELPDOTNET) shows a simple application which displays a window with an edit box, a text box to output results, and a button. When the button is clicked, it simply evaluates the APL expression typed into the edit box and displays the result in the text box. Note in particular the callbacks set up on lines 32 and 33. The first of these (the Closed event) is triggered when the window is closed; this terminates the function by clearing the )SI, and this in turn causes all the object references to be deleted because they are held in localized variables. The second call back (the Click event of the button) causes the EVALUATE function to be run. ∇DOT_Forms;X;F;EditResult;EditIn;ButtonDo [1] ⍝ Simple example of using Windows Forms from APLX v4 [2] ⍝ Create main form [3] F←'.net' ⎕NEW 'Form' [4] F.Text←'Expression Evaluator' [5] ⍝ [6] ⍝ Create edit box for input line [7] EditIn←'.net' ⎕NEW 'TextBox' [8] EditIn.Left←12 ⋄ EditIn.Top←21 [9] EditIn.Width←265 ⋄ EditIn.Height←20 [10] EditIn.Font←'.net' ⎕NEW 'Font' 'APLX Upright' 10 [11] F.Controls.Add EditIn [12] ⍝ [13] ⍝ Create multi-line box for result [14] EditResult←'.net' ⎕NEW 'TextBox' [15] EditResult.Multiline←1 [16] EditResult.Left←12 ⋄ EditResult.Top←50 [17] EditResult.Width←265 ⋄ EditResult.Height←180 [18] EditResult.Font←'.net' ⎕NEW 'Font' 'APLX Upright' 10 [19] F.Controls.Add EditResult [20] ⍝ [21] ⍝ Create button [22] ButtonDo←'.net' ⎕NEW 'Button' [23] ButtonDo.Left←94 ⋄ ButtonDo.Top←240 [24] ButtonDo.Width←100 ⋄ ButtonDo.Height←22 [25] ButtonDo.Text←'Evaluate' [26] F.Controls.Add ButtonDo [27] ⍝ [28] ⍝ Make the button accept Enter as equivalent to clicking [29] F.AcceptButton←ButtonDo [30] ⍝ [31] ⍝ Add callbacks [32] F.Closed←'"Cleaning up.." ⋄ →' [33] ButtonDo.Click←'EditResult EVALUATE EditIn.Text' [34] ⍝ [35] ⍝ Show the window [36] F.Show [37] ⍝ [38] ⍝ Process events [39] X←⎕WE ¯1 ∇ ∇A EVALUATE B;RESULT;⎕IO [1] ⍝ Evaluate expression B and put it into the Text property of object A [2] ⍝ If an error occurs, change the colour of the text [3] ⎕IO←1 [4] RESULT←⎕EC B [5] :Select ↑RESULT [6] :Case 0 ⍝ Error [7] A.ForeColor←A.ForeColor.Red [8] A.Text←MAKEVEC 3⊃RESULT [9] :Case 1 ⍝ Expression with a result which would display [10] A.ForeColor←A.ForeColor.DarkOliveGreen [11] A.Text←MAKEVEC⍕3⊃RESULT [12] :Else [13] ⍝ 2 Expression with a result which would not display [14] ⍝ 3 Expression with no explicit result [15] ⍝ 4 Branch to a line [16] ⍝ 5 Naked branch [17] A.Text←'' [18] :End ∇ ∇R←MAKEVEC B [1] ⍝ Given a character array, ensure it's a text vector [2] ⍝ If matrix or higher rank, make into CRLF-delimited vector [3] :If 2>⍴⍴B [4] R←B [5] :Else [6] R←⎕R ⎕BOX B [7] :EndIf [8] R←⎕SS R ⎕R(⎕R,⎕L) ∇ Example 2This function shows a simple example of using the System.IO namespace to create a text file and write some text to it. On line [1], it sets up the search path for .Net classes. Lines [2] and [3] fetch the FileMode and FileAccess enumeration types, which are then used in line [5]. ∇FileWrite;sw;MyFile;FileMode;FileAccess;DateTime [1] '.net' ⎕SETUP 'using' 'System' 'System.IO' [2] FileMode←'.net' ⎕GETCLASS 'FileMode' [3] FileAccess←'.net' ⎕GETCLASS 'FileAccess' [4] DateTime←'.net' ⎕GETCLASS 'DateTime' [5] MyFile←'.net' ⎕NEW 'FileStream' 'c:\temp\testdotnet.txt' (FileMode.OpenOrCreate) (FileAccess.ReadWrite) [6] sw←'.net' ⎕NEW 'StreamWriter' MyFile [7] sw.Write 'Written from APLX',⎕R,⎕L [8] sw.Write 'Created by APLX Version 4 at ',DateTime.Now.ToString [9] sw.Close [10] MyFile.Close ∇ |
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