Topic: APLX Help : System Classes : Callbacks : onZoom
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The 'onZoom' callback

Not implemented under Windows and Linux

Event number: 13
Generated for: Window, Document, Dialog

When the user clicks in the Zoom box of a window, the default system action is to resize the window appropriately and create a Resize event. However, if you wish to override this behaviour you can define an onZoom callback which does something different (for example, zooms the window to a size which you determine dynamically). The event-specific parameters in ⎕EV are (in index origin 1):

        ⎕EV[6]        Current window width in pixels
        ⎕EV[7]        Current window height in pixels
        ⎕EV[8]        Reason code (1 for normal size, 2 for full size)

Topic: APLX Help : System Classes : Callbacks : onZoom
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