Topic: APLX Help : System Classes : Callbacks : onFocus
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The 'onFocus' callback

Event number: 7
Generated for: Window, Dialog, Document, plus any control which can receive the input focus
Synonym: OnActivate

The onFocus callback is invoked when the object gets the input focus. For a Window, Form, Dialog or Document, this means when the window is activated (for example, by the user clicking in it when it is not the front window). In addition, when the window is activated, the currently-active control (if any) on the window will also receive a Focus event. This will also happen within a window if the user tabs or clicks between controls.

The onFocus callback is invoked irrespective of whether the focus was gained through user action or under program control (for example, by calling the Focus method).

Topic: APLX Help : System Classes : Callbacks : onFocus
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