Topic: APLX Help : System Classes : Callbacks : onError
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The 'onError' callback

Event number: 41
Generated for: Browser and APL (child task) object


For a Browser object, the onError callback is invoked if an error occurs when the Browser tries to load a page.

APL Object

The onError callback is invoked in an APL object belonging to a parent task when an untrapped error occurs during function execution in a child task. The error message (in the same format as ⎕ERM) will be available in ⎕WARG during the callback.

The event-specific parameters in ⎕EV are (in index origin 1):

        ⎕EV[6]         Task ID for the child task

See the section on APLX Multi-tasking for more details.

Topic: APLX Help : System Classes : Callbacks : onError
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