: System Classes
: Methods
: Transform
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The 'Transform' method |
Argument: See text Valid for: Image The ImageMagick package which is accessed from the APLX Image object includes a very wide range of functions for transforming an image. For example, you can shear, scale, crop, rotate or skew the image, sharpen edges, adjust colors and intensity, and filter out noise. You can also apply special effects to the image, such as making it look like a charcoal drawing or an oil painting. The Transform method of the APLX Image object allows you to use many of these functions directly. The syntax of the Transform method is: ControlName.Transform 'Keyword' Arg1 Arg2... or 'ControlName' ⎕WI 'Transform' 'Keyword' Arg1 Arg2... where Keyword selects the transformation you want to carry out, and the remaining arguments depend on the transformation (they are all numeric, with the scale always being pixels). Keywords are not case-sensitive. The following is a list of the supported transformations and arguments, together with the name of the underlying ImageMagick operation. See the ImageMagick documentation for full details of the operations and parameters. Geometric transformations and scalingFlip image about horizontal axis: (MagickFlipImage) Object.Transform 'Flip' Flip image about vertical axis: (MagickFlopImage) Object.Transform 'Flop' Scale image to twice current size: (MagickMagnifyImage) Object.Transform 'Magnify' Scale image to half current size: (MagickMinifyImage) Object.Transform 'Minify' Scale image to specified X Y size: (MagickScaleImage) Object.Transform 'Scale' x y Roll image: (MagickRollImage) Object.Transform 'Roll' x_offset y_offset Extract a rectangular region from the image: (MagickCropImage) Object.Transform 'Crop' width height x y Rotate image clockwise by specified number of degrees: (MagickRotateImage) Object.Transform 'Rotate' degrees Shear the image along X or Y axis, or both: (MagickShearImage) Object.Transform 'Shear' x_shear y_shear Image enhancement and adjustmentReduce the speckle noise in an image: (MagickDespeckleImage) Object.Transform 'Despeckle' Apply digital filter to improve noisy image: (MagickEnhanceImage) Object.Transform 'Enhance' Apply Median filter to improve noisy image: (MagickMedianFilterImage) Object.Transform 'MedianFilter' radius Equalize the image color histogram: (MagickEqualizeImage) Object.Transform 'Equalize' Enhance the contrast of a color image: (MagickNormalizeImage) Object.Transform 'Normalize' Sharpen an image: (MagickSharpenImage) Object.Transform 'Sharpen' radius sigma Sharpen image with a Gaussian operator: (MagickUnsharpMaskImage) Object.Transform 'UnsharpMask' radius sigma amount threshold Enhance edges using a convolution filter of the given radius: (MagickEdgeImage) Object.Transform 'Edge' radius Smooth contours of image, preserving edge information: (MagickReduceNoiseImage) Object.Transform 'ReduceNoise' radius Adjust brightness, saturation, and hue of the image: (MagickModulateImage) Object.Transform 'Modulate' brightness saturation hue Gamma-correct an image: (MagickGammaImage) Object.Transform 'Gamma' gamma Special effectsImplode pixels by specified amount: (MagickImplodeImage) Object.Transform 'Implode' amount Make image look like an oil painting: (MagickOilPaintImage) Object.Transform 'OilPaint' radius Make image look like a charcoal drawing: (MagickCharcoalImage) Object.Transform 'Charcoal' radius sigma Add three-dimensional effect to grayscale image: (MagickEmbossImage) Object.Transform 'Emboss' radius sigma Randomly displace each pixel in a block: (MagickSpreadImage) Object.Transform 'Spread' radius Swirl the pixels about the center of the image: (MagickSwirlImage) Object.Transform 'Swirl' degrees Change pixel values depending on intensity relative to threshold: (MagickThresholdImage) Object.Transform 'Threshold' threshold Apply effect similar to exposing photo paper to light: (MagickSolarizeImage) Object.Transform 'Solarize' threshold Blur image: (MagickBlurImage) Object.Transform 'Blur' radius sigma Blur image (Gaussian blur): (MagickGaussianBlurImage) Object.Transform 'GaussianBlur' radius sigma Blur image radially: (MagickRadialBlurImage) Object.Transform 'RadialBlur' angle Simulate motion blur: (MagickMotionBlurImage) Object.Transform 'MotionBlur' radius sigma angle Create ripple effect in image: (MagickWaveImage) Object.Transform 'Wave' amplitude wave_length Adjust levels of image: (MagickLevelImage) Object.Transform 'Level' blackpoint gamma whitepoint Force all pixels below threshold to black: (MagickBlackThresholdImage) Object.Transform 'BlackThreshold' threshold Force all pixels above threshold to white: (MagickWhiteThresholdImage) Object.Transform 'WhiteThreshold' threshold Examples of image transformations
The workspace 10 HELPTRANSFORM has a demonstration of these and other image transformations. |
: System Classes
: Methods
: Transform
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