Topic: APLX Help : System Classes : Methods : Getmessage
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The 'Getmessage' method

Argument: Integer Scalar
Result: None

Valid for: GetMail

Once you have connected to a mail server, you can retrieve the full contents of an individual e-mail message (into properties of the GetMail object) by calling the GetMessage method. It takes an integer scalar argument, which is the index (in origin 1) of the message you want to retrieve. (This will be a number in the range 1 to the value of the count property, or the number of rows in the messages property). If successful, it will also retrieve any attachments and write them to files, in the directory specified by the path property.

Having successfully called GetMessage, you can then access various properties (such as subject to from date body and attachments) to access the content of the retrieved e-mail message.

Topic: APLX Help : System Classes : Methods : Getmessage
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