Topic: APLX Help : System Classes : Methods : Charttopoint
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The 'Charttopoint' method

Argument: 2-element Numeric Vector
Result: 2-element Numeric Vector

Valid for: Chart

This method converts from Chart coordinates (using the main Y scale) to coordinates of the visible control on the screen. It can be useful if you are adding your own annotations or other graphic elements using the Draw method, and want to relate these to points of a Series which uses the main Y Scale.

The argument is a two-element vector of Y value (using the main Y scale) and X value. The result is a two-element vector of the corresponding vertical and horizontal position within the visible control (remembering that top, left is 0, 0). The result is expressed in the current scale of the control; you will probably want to set the scale property to 5 for pixels before calling this method.

Topic: APLX Help : System Classes : Methods : Charttopoint
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