Topic: APLX Help : System Classes : Methods : Addimages
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The 'Addimages' method

Argument: See below
Result: None

Valid for: ImageList (Not implemented under MacOS)

The Addimages method adds one or more images to the ImageList object. It accepts any of the following data forms:

  • A character vector giving an image file name (a bitmap, cursor, or icon file).
  • An integer matrix of N by M pixel COLORVAL color values.
  • A pair of character vectors, the first giving an image file name, the second giving a transparency mask image file name.
  • A pair of data items, the first a character vector giving an image file name, the second indicating which color should be regarded as transparent. The format of the second element can be either ('color' COLORVAL) or ('color' R G B).
  • A pair of integer matrices, the first giving pixel color values, the second giving a transparency mask.
  • A pair of data items, the first an integer matrix of pixel color values, the second indicating a transparency color in the form ('color' COLORVAL) or ('color' R G B).
  • A nested vector of multiple instances of the above.

In the above descriptions, R G and B are individual Red, Green and Blue color values, each in the range 0 to 255. COLORVAL is a single integer encoding the color as 256 Blue Green Red.

A single bitmap can optionally contribute multiple images to the ImageList, laid side by side. To do this, you need first to set the imagesize property to be the size of the image. Any bitmap of a width N times the width specified in imagesize will then contribute N images to the list.

Note: The Addimages method and the imagenames property are alternative ways of setting the list of images. Images added by the Addimages method are not persistent if other properties (such as imagesize) are subsequently changed.

Topic: APLX Help : System Classes : Methods : Addimages
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