Topic: APLX Help : System Classes : Properties : units
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The 'units' property

Read-only: Numeric 6 by 2 matrix

Valid for: All displayable objects, and the Printer and System objects

The units property returns the number of pixels per unit, for each of the possible values of the scale property. The first column refers to the vertical axis, and the second refers to the horizontal axis. Each row refers to one of the possible scale values (1 = character units, 2 = dialog units, 3 = points, 4 = twips, 5 = pixels, 6 = millimetres). The values depend on the resolution of the output device.

For example:

      '⎕' ⎕WI 'units'
16             8
 2             2
 1.333333333   1.333333333
 0.06666666667 0.06666666667
 1             1
 3.779527559   3.779527559

This means that, for character units on the current device (the screen), there are 16 pixels per unit in the vertical direction and 8 in the horizontal direction.

Topic: APLX Help : System Classes : Properties : units
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