Topic: APLX Help : System Classes : Properties : unicode
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The 'unicode' property

Integer vector (can also be written as a character vector)

Valid for: System object

Unicode is a worldwide standard which encodes characters in two bytes, thus providing a total of 65,536 possible characters. This is enough to represent all the international and special characters used in modern computer applications. APL characters, including all those used in APLX, are defined in the Unicode standard.

The unicode property of the System object allows your program to exchange Unicode text with other applications via the clipboard. When you read the property, any Unicode text in the clipboard is returned as a vector of integers. (You can translate it to the APLX internal text representation by using ⎕UCS). You can write either a vector of integers, each representing a valid Unicode character in the range 0 to 65535, or a character vector. If you write a character vector to this property, it is translated to Unicode and placed on the clipboard.

Topic: APLX Help : System Classes : Properties : unicode
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