Topic: APLX Help : System Classes : Properties : status
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The 'status' property

Read-only. Integer vector or scalar

Valid for: Browser, GetMail, SendMail, HTTPClient, Socket and APL (child task) object

GetMail, SendMail, HTTPClient, Socket

For these networking classes, the status property is a two-element integer vector. The first element is 0 if the object is not connected, 1 if the object is connected, 2 if it is listening for connections. The second element is the latest error code reported by the underlying operating system.


For a Browser object, the status property returns a three-element Boolean vector of (IsBusy) (CanGoback) (CanGoForward).

APL Object

The status read-only property of an APL (child task) object indicates the execution state of the task. It returns one of the following codes:

¯1  The task is not running (i.e. it has not been opened, or has terminated)
 0  The task is busy executing an APL expression or command
 1  The task is in desk-calculator mode, awaiting input
 2  The task is awaiting input
 3  The task is awaiting input
 4  The task is awaiting ⎕CC input

Topic: APLX Help : System Classes : Properties : status
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