Topic: APLX Help : System Classes : Properties : sizemode
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The 'sizemode' property

Integer scalar

Valid for: OLEContainer (Implemented under Windows only)

The sizemode property determines how the document fits in an OLEContainer control. The possible values are:

0 = Displays the OLE object at its normal size, clipping any parts that don't 
    fit within the container.
1 = Displays the OLE object at its normal size, centering it within the container. 
2 = Scales or shrinks the view of the OLE object to fit within the container, 
    by scaling width and height proportionally.
3 = Scales or shrinks the view of the OLE object to fill the OLE container, 
    without regard to preserving the proportions of the OLE object.
4 = Displays the OLE object at its normal size and automatically resizes the 
    container to fit the size of the OLE object.

The default is 0.

Topic: APLX Help : System Classes : Properties : sizemode
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